Tuesday, December 18, 2007

'Tis the season to be Jealous


Why am I home with the bath bed boy routine and leftovers while Hubby is eating at Gordon Ramsay at Claridges tonight?

Oh the photo is theirs. When do you think my kitchen last produced something like that? Holey moley, sometimes I really miss corporate life.

Well, bits of it anyway. But I know you get all that family work life balance stuff. It's hard to put it into words, but Sooz has found the perfect analogy. And done it brilliantly. Go and read her post.


Anonymous said...

hmmph. Not fair. I'm listening to him shout and swear right now on my telly box.

ps, I can't figure out this new choose an identity thing on blogger...help!

Anonymous said...

I should have said Gordon Ramsay shouting and swearing, not your husband!!!

Kitty said...

Oooh, I wonder what he's eating (your husband) and if it's 'mmmmmmmmmm'?

I read Sooz' post - she is so right - I would even go so far as to say sometimes one unit has to be divided into fractions. It's scary! :-O x

Anonymous said...

I loved Sooz's idea of the tetris blocks raining down...my answer to that and a husband in claridges..sherry. i'll pour you a glass! we've got wine in and or a few spirits..what would you care for!? Claridges..when there are gingerbread crumbs on my settee..??

alice c said...

WHOOPS! Nearly licked the laptop screen there. Back to scrambled eggs.

dottycookie said...

That does look yummy. Lucky hubby!

Did you see Heston whatsisface tonight making "the perfect trifle"? With olives and coriander seeds?! He pushed it too far when he said that hundreds and thousands added nothing to a recipe ... is he quite mad?

tess said...

sooz's post was very funny, and quite true.

Anonymous said...

Great link thanks! She's been added to my bloglines.
Husbands do seem to get all the luck! When T got back from a 'tough' week of conferences in Las Vegas he declared he was sick of fancy restaurant food and was looking forward to some plain, home cooking...

sooz said...

Hmm yes. Husbands are good at just seeing big squares, not units. Funny how if you can't make it fit you get away with not doing it!

Mrs Moog said...

Lucky hubby!
Mine has been out twice but nowhere sophisticated with celebrity swearers. Nope he just soaked up the beers with a Subway!! Mind you, I was at home having beans on toast.

Locket Pocket said...

Yum! lovely looking food! Lucky husband! Thanks for making me go back and READ Sooz's post - I'd seen it but not read it because there is so much going on - I have since been back and done it justice! Lucy x

weirdbunny said...

What's he doing at Claradiges ? Whoops dire spelling there ! I wonder if he'll meet the man himself ?!

petetow said...

I would swap any day the daily routine for most in business saps the will out of you spending day after day with argos furniture and promotions, no time for much family relationships I often (more and more) ask if it is worth it and should I be looking to take a simpler and more rewarding life style.

Anonymous said...
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