It's also been unusually quiet at home. Mark is spending the week with his Grandparents and Johnny has been really missing his big brother. It's just not as much fun playing cars on your own - nobody to fight with. Roll on Tuesday when they can return to the normal schedule - play, fight, yell and scream, get separated, find themselves magnetically attracted, play - and on and on it goes 'till bedtime.
Just in case you are also wandering around looking for some weekend fun to be had, here are some blogs I read which begin with the letter R:
Red Felt Flower
Ruby Crowned Kinglette
Red House
Red Shoes Blog
Red Fish Circle
Ragged Roses
Rose Vintage
Reddy Made
And a photo of my Rudbekias for Amy. She's after late summer excitement in her garden and these are fitting the bill in mine.
hey, ali!
i'm here!
saturday night and on the computer!
i've got stuff i have to do, but i'm stalling (or taking a break).
Hello - I must be a Jimmy no mates as well! - (we're just hanging around waiting to get to the beach and, well, the computer was calling me ...). My two are the same, squabble when they're together and miss each other like crazy (well the little one does) when they're apart!
Kim x
Thanks for the mention!
Sunday morning and I'm here too with my cuppa! Just about to deal with the love,fight,play routine!
Gosh that sounds just like my house. Thanks for all the links - love checking out some new blogs.
I'm here too! I have to visit my PC every day at least once (sometimes for quite a long period of time...). So it's just us few you think everyone else is out having fun? Perhaps they're just slobbing out in the garden or in front of the tv? Whatever,like you I've got an A to Z deadline to meet so we have to stay focused, girlfriend.
Gill x
ah, it's always such a "bummer" when the big brother isn't around. all that lack of fighting, woe is me. :-)
oh, i feel your no-mates pain. i'm always checking my emails at the weekend, it drives my husband mad! thanks for your comment, what excitement! (my husband doesn't get that, either :)
My rudbekias haven't come up this year, your photo has reminded me, they add some punchy colour at this time of year.
i'm in blog land most weekends. that is when I'm not madly trying to catch up on work while Nic takes care of the kids.
wow, having kids on separate hols! that would be too sad for me. I couldn't cope with the sibling misery of not having the other around.
not far to go now Ali... and t is such a great letter. TEA, yes i might have a cup please.
"Billy No-Mates" made me laugh out loud!
Yes - I have wondered about the weekend break myself. I mean, isn't that when we should have more time - hubbies home, etc. ?? Who knows. Anyhoo - thanks for the pic -- yes, we call them Black Eyed Susans here for some reason and I shall look into planting some for fall!
Can I join the no-mates club too? I thought I'd managed to break the blog and email addiction with 2 weeks away from it but no, here I am again, surfing waaay too late when I ought to be in bed. And on a schoolnight too!
My little one's favourite phrase is currently "If we hit, we sit on the stairs". Which says it all really.
Yip, we have a routine like that (but the triangle is three way. No, I didn't mean that I meant, we have a three way triangle. Although how many other ways I think a triangle has I don't know. Oh blow. You know what I mean; I have three children and one of them is always It for the day)
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