Monday, June 04, 2007

Going, going, gone

Mark's wobbly tooth arrived home from school in an envelope today.

It says (in his own spelling!): Mark Hudson tooth handel with care! Exiting

The Exiting really cracks me up, as does his new smile.

But how fast he is growing up all of a sudden.


caroline said...

Hope the tooth fairy 'handels' that tooth with care too - what is the going rate in your neck of the woods? round here some of the girls get jewellery and notes aren't uncommon!! No wonder Noah wasn't happy when I suggested a ten pence piece!

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! "exiting" is just the best!!

Anonymous said...

Classic! But I'm glad my teeth are no longer exiting.

ljm said...

So cute!

julia said...

I love that gappy smile. I lost my son's first tooth between the flooboards, just as well that tooth fairy's small!

Julia x

laura capello said...

oooo... that is very exiting!

kayla said...

I'm really glad I found your blog. Your boys are so cute. Your new top looks great, and I loved reading the posts about your wardrobe makeover. You've stuck to it for a long time. I'm impressed!

Anonymous said...

our toothfairy has every tooth and note and little gifts that were made just for her, all tucked away in cotton wool and matchboxes. how precious is this time!

Anonymous said...

that is very cute. My little boy is very scared of the exiting tooth thing...another year or until he has to be brave! DId he buy a chicken with his money like Lola?

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

This made me smile (no pun intended) I so remeber when my older child's (he is now 8) teeth came out. He was excited about the tooth fairy, only this morning he asked what the tooth fairy would leave it was one of his 'Big' teeth. Scary thought!
Suzie Sew

Anonymous said...

how sweet! Nr 1 is desperato to loose his teeth... but they're still well solid..

time flies?

julie said...

that is such a great note, definitely one to be kept. I've dug myself a bit of a hole regarding the tooth fairy as I started replying to Amy's notes. The trouble is now I have to remember all the details that I've already written from Sparkle and, of course, I have to remember where I put my fine tip pen so I can do the really tiny writing - she's not going to be impressed when she finds out it was me all the time!!

Louise said...

Ooh it's a very exiting time this tooth losing business. I have exactly the same problem as Julie with the notes etc. My first was happy to lose hers, the second - terrified and wouldn't even look in the mirror when it came out! Now she has just told me her two top front ones are loose and she's only just turned 5!!

Anonymous said...

The cutest little jack-o-lantern I have ever seen. I love seeing kids missing their teeth. Of course from natural so cute.