The crazy thing is, I have absolutely no idea why. Still, it's not the worst thing I have done with my teeth while asleep. I was once woken up by some rather indignant shouting from hubby. Whilst dreaming about being attacked, I had bitten him really hard on the shoulder. Thankfully I've only done it the once!
Bella Dia has kicked off an Encyclopedia of Me meme which I'm joining in with. I'm not usually one for long lasting projects - more of a quick and dirty girl. The thought of getting bored and giving up halfway through fills me with horror. But it might be enough to keep me blogging over the quiet months of summer. So many people seem busy or away or on a summer break - feel like I'm talking to myself. So stop and say hi so at least I'm not anxious about having no blog-friends!
I know what you mean about other blog folk been away. I feel quite miserable sat her in nottinghamshire! But in 2 more weeks hello Filey!
Vanessa x
I would love to see the hits you get off google from people searching for quick and dirty! :-)
I'll pop in. I've been terribly lazy recently about posting comments and reading. Plus which blogger sometimes doesn't let me. :-(
A is for Awesome!
I know what you mean, I've felt like that before. Haven't bit anyone in my sleep, but I do get a little generous with my (apparently pointy) elbows. I've definitely been woken by a grumpy "hurumpfh".
I can't wait to see what X is for...
Hi Ali! You don't have to be anxious about not having blog friends :)
I'm going to try this too.
I get that anxious feeling too. I don't know what that's all about.
You've got lots of blog friends. I'm still here.
Maybe panic attacks? I've had them throughout the years, and was a big tooth-grinder for awhile. My dentist had me stop chewing gum or resting my head on my hands to ease up on my jaw, which has worked well.
Don't worry, some of us are still here!
Hi Ali! You're not talking to yourself.
I'm always here, Ali. Like a bad smell. And I think I'll join in too, put a bit of spark back into the old blog.
(And PS - your body's trying to tell you something, maybe a delayed reaction to No. 1's news? I don't have a clue, obviously, but I'm concerned for you.)
Hello, I'm here (but am about to go away for a bit - don't take it personally!)
Apparently I grind my teeth in my sleep too. My charming dentist even told me that I have the teeth of a woman 15 years older than I am. Then tried to get me to pay him scary money for a mouthguard to stop me doing it. Blooming cheek.
It's good to know that it's Megan who's the bad smell - I was worried it was me! I was almost about to have to wash! But phew! That's me safe for another year! ;)
I know what you mean too!
Sometimes it's just like that, no?
Hope you feeling a bit better today + tonight.
Seems to me you have loads of blogging buddies :)
We aren't on holidays on this side of the world - I am still reading your blog in Australia.
I wonder if they call the personality category Type A as in A for anxious? I am a little prone to teeth grinding, and anxiousness. Oh to be a "let it be" type person.
I'm popping in daily so no need to fear that you're all alone this summer. I just got back from 6 weeks in MA so I doubt I'll be going anywhere. The odd trip down to Shrewsbury and Kent but that won't stop me from visitin'
This sounds like me might find out quite a lot about you!! Don't be anxious - be awaiting!!
I lurk on your blog all the time but will try to remember to leave a few words now and again :)
In the Southern Hemmisphere it's still winter; so keep blogging we're still here if our Northern cousins aren't! Love your blog and 'lurk' all the time.
yes, way down-under it's cold and I'm in my tiny study with my tiny heater keeping me you're definitely not talking to yourself. A is for.....hmmm, I haven't found the right thing yet!
Hi, I'm here too, I've been lurking but only 'cos I have too many favourite blogs to leave comments at every one of them!
I think I'll join in too, my blog could do with livening up and it's a great way to find out more about each other. Also it means we get to post every day :)
I know what you mean about it being quite quiet recently...maybe everyone is on holiday.
Anyway, to show that I'm your blog friend, I tagged now you have more to blog about!!!
It's 2:35 a.m. here in Tucson as I read your blog entry and write a little comment. I'm here because I woke up from an anxiety-ridden sleep and my jaw was clenched, too. When I have nights like this, I play on the computer for awhile so the last vestiges of whatever nightmare I had go away or my poor aching joints are too tired to hurt anymore for a bit of time--then I can go back to bed for awhile. So here I am for an hour or so.
Summer is an awkward sort of time--it's wonderful but hard to coordinate everyone's time. Some of the things we regularly do with friends are put on hold for 3 months and then we somehow get it all together again and pick up where we left off. Otherwise, we hardly see many of them during summer. I guess it works the same for blogging (even though I don't have a blog).
I think I might give this meme a go. It might restart my writing which is in need of a boost after all the soggy weather
Hello! it is a bit quiet isn't it? still here though!
It's the summer time lull...but I'm planning a swap in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned to fridayprize. As for the anxiousness, I've also had that feeling in the last couple of weeks, I've attributed it to having too many things I want to do and not enough time...
You BIT him?!! Wow, I've said some weird things in my sleep, but I've never bit anyone!
Thanks for the link to the meme, I'm thinking of joining too. And that book sounds fun, I put it in my queue at the library!
I give myself toothache clenching my jaw when I am stressed (I even went to the dentist once thinking I had a cavity!).
We are all still here - but ever so slightly stressed.
Roll on September!
I am new to blogging so am quite used to talking to myself but i dont think you have anything to worry about. ps i know about that anxious feeling, my husband thinks i am going nuts when i get it
I'll be your friend.
Might be trying this myself.
i think it is a lovely idea. I haven't been much of a good blog visitor anywhere of late. Busy, hooked on ideas that I just have to do, orders....all good things, but I feel like I should start visiting again and seeing what everyone is doing. And look how many letters you have already done.
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