More decadent breakfasts was just one of the ways I wanted to make our holiday time a little different this year. Earlier this summer, I was inspired by Erin's talk of a quiet time each day and resolved to put one in place at our house. So after lunch, I explained the concept. An hour of time, playing quietly, no screen time (computer or TV), no activity requiring parental assistance or supervision, no fighting or yelling. Then calmly I set the timer and walked upstairs.
Well knock me down with a feather - it actually worked! The boys played out some elaborate rescue services scenario together and then Mark went to his room and read for a bit. I was astounded. Tomorrow I'm actually setting the timer for a whole hour (wimped out with 45 mins today, but hey, it's good for starters). I may yet manage to retain my sanity until September. Or will it be a case of pride coming before a fall....
oh looks yummy!
Great idea about the 1 hour a day.
Good luck with it.
omg, i totally need to try that. THEY DIDN'T FIGHT? impress me with your awesomeness.
Mmm, pancakes. And I'm terribly impressed with your awesomeness too.
Congrats on the successful quiet time! My DS has discovered the joy of jigsaw puzzles and has been occupying himself quite well with them lately.
glad to see it worked for you! i think it may be the only way i keep my sanity!
That's amazing - I'm going to give it a try, even if it only works a few times a week it will be a bonus.
I don't suppose the 'golden' hour will work with a 3 and 5 year old will it? Shall I try? Got to be worth a shot...
the pancake batter looks tasty.
I like the hour of quiet time. Hope it continues to work.
I tried the oven timer the oven day for 'quiet time' with my 3 and 4 year olds. Only for 30 minutes. Sadly it didn't work. I cannot wait until they get to the reading stage. You do realise that if you give them too many yummy breakfasts, they will never leave home.
I am going to try the quiet time thing aswell sounds good but not always achievable in practice! xxx
i think i have a while to wait as mine are 4 and 1. THe 4 year old could manage it but not the one year old. Although she could do an hour of devastation
I have to try that timed hour thing. I can't quite imagine it will work in this house, or that they will not have injured each other by the end of it, but at least I should try, right?
Pancakes look scrummy. Mr Dottycookie is usually in charge of those on Saturday mornings while I attempt to sleep in ...
Glad those pancakes are there with you. Funny. When I share recipes it's almost like I get to hang with your tribe, if only in spirit, over a lovely breakfast. Will you start inviting me to stay for the quiet hour too? :-)
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